ISSN 2010-0610
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Greetings! I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each one of you to the extraordinary 2023 edition of Stream magazine. It brings me immense joy and pride to stand before you as the Editor-in-Chief, unveiling a magazine that is not just a collection of words and images, but a testament to the depth, intelligence, and creativity that defines our remarkable generation, Gen Z. In the heart of every youth advocate, there lies an unyielding desire to champion the causes they believe in. I have always been passionate about giving voice to the thoughts and aspirations of our generation. The opportunity to lead this magazine allowed me to scream from the metaphorical rooftops about the brilliance of our generation. As much as we love to have fun, we are also a generation of profound intellect and innovative ideas. This edition, titled 'Gen Z: More Than What Meets The Eye,' serves as a beacon, illuminating the many sides of our personalities and capabilities.
This years edition is themed 'The Creative Revolution.' The reason for this is simple enough. History has recorded various revolutions that have reshaped the economy and in turn our way of life. These changing tides introduced new industries and drastically changed and informed the public's appetite across the various sectors. New jobs were formed, and the old-the 'irrelevant' jobs were swept off the economic playground and became obsolete. Now, experts say that we are living in the third industrial revolution or the digital revolution. This age has seen the demise of jobs that do not contribute to the digital economy. Adapt or die. In this age, the future of publishing is being contested. Would it survive or would it, like others before, fade before our very eyes?
I am very proud to present to you the 16th edition of Stream Magazine. This year’s edition of Stream Magazine was formed from a primary desire to showcase students and their contributions to their communities and excellence in their trade. It was fascinating to learn that a 300 level student owns and runs a charity! We then decided to explore students in such categories whose endeavours are impactful. Please relax and enjoy this edition. I hope you find it as interesting as we intended it to be for you.
It is a pleasure to introduce the newest edition of Stream Magazine tagged: Nigerian Youth. This came as a result of the trending issue about the reported President Buhari 's statement that categorized the Nigerian youths as lazy. They got angry and began to counter his statement on various media outlets including online platforms. I became inspired, reading several stories and reviewing the achievements of hardworking young Nigerians. It is with great pleasure to inform you that Stream, world's biggest student training magazine is out with proof that shows clearly that Nigerian youths are not lazy. This 13th year edition is loaded with content on Covenant University students, showcasing their talents, skills and businesses. Besides, we have a special pullout on 25 young Nigerians who are making impact in their chosen fields. You'll be amazed at what "lazy" Nigerian youths can do.
Documenting feelings, ideas and thoughts through such channels as books, newspapers and magazines is commonplace. This activity is very important because it creates a reservoir of knowledge you can easily make reference to. I guess, at one point in time, we all have been in situations where we trusted our brain to help us and just when we needed to express ourselves, it didn't come through. As a matter of fact, documenting thoughts, ideas, and experiences can be seen as a reliable way of representing the reality that we are surrounded by. Our documentation, which emerges in the forms of texts, images and the blank space, are pointers to a big picture in some respects. When this happens, it is called creativity!
We want to start on a note of appreciation. We sincerely appreciate the support of corporate establishments and individuals who have supported this edition with their advertisements. We cherish your partnership and friendship with Stream Magazine. This edition is fully loaded. Besides news and titbits, we bring you a special report on the 2007 Covenant University Convocation event, the world of Jimoh Ibrahim, as well as the testimony of a student who gained victory over pornography. This 120-page presentation also contains rules on entrepreneurship, raising valued based leaders, reviews, humour, and leisure and a write-up on the history of basketball among many others.