ISSN 2010-0610
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Gen Z: More than What Meets the Eye

Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, often finds themselves at the center of discussions regarding the future. This tech-savvy and socially conscious generation is proving to be a driving force of change in various aspects of the society. I will be taking this moment to share with you what I found out and why it is so.

A Shift in Values: Compared to their predecessors, Gen Z brings with them a distinct set of values and priorities. Previous generations have witnessed significant advancements, but Gen Z has grown up with these advancements as the norm. This has led them to focus on social and environmental issues, demanding accountability and driving change. They prioritize inclusivity, diversity, and equality, championing causes such as climate change, mental health awareness, and gender rights

Harnessing Technological Fluency: Gen Z is the first generation to have grown up entirely in the digital era. They possess an inherent understanding of technology and its potential, utilizing it as a tool for communication, creativity, and activism. Through online activism, they have effectively mobilized communities, raising awareness and pushing for policy reforms.

Creative Expression and Entrepreneurship: Gen Z exhibits an entrepreneurial spirit and a drive for creative expression. The availability of online platforms has provided them with an outlet to showcase their talents, leading to the rise of influencers, content creators, and young entrepreneurs.

Notable Talents, Thoughts, and Perspectives: Gen Z has witnessed remarkable individuals who have made a significant impact across various fields. Young activists like Greta Thunberg have galvanized global climate action, while others, like Malala Yousafzai, advocate for girls’ education and human rights.

In conclusion, the generation Z represents a formidable force of change, challenging traditional norms and driving progress in numerous domains. Their unique values, technological fluency, global connectedness, and entrepreneurial mindset empower them to make a tangible difference in the world.

BY: Gbolade Oluwadamilola

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